For this session people are training for the Portland marathon or half and the Denver Rock and Roll full or half all on October 9th. I am excited to race but also am so excited to see how my fellow (teammates) club members do!! There is a women doing her first full and I bet she will run a 3:40 or faster. There is another lady that kicks butt on the track workouts and I hope breaks 4:00. I LOVE that feeling of thinking of others and wanting them to succeed! We will be texting back and forth between Portland to see how everyone does.
So being the super dork that I am I decided to have a running club book club!!! Who else can I talk to about running and running books!This is the first one and we are reading Running on Empty by Marshall Ulrich. I LOVED the book. It's so fun to see the gang dressed up (normal clothes) instead of running attire and no make-up. It's like "who are you?" We had a really good discussion and a great time! They almost had me convinced to run a full marathon in January!! We'll see....I haven't run a marathon since 2005.