
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

No excuses...

Well my holiday break has ended and I am now back at work after having 2 weeks off. The perks of a job in education. The last days of vacation were awesome because my husband bought me a treadmill for Christmas.  I ended up with a sweet commercial grade treadmill as my husband really researched and actually knows a lot about this kind of stuff. We ended up getting a TRUE treadmill that had been used at a gym at one point. It's very durable and a BEAST! I LOVE it!!! I actually have wanted one for a long time. I now have no excuses to get my runs in, which is OK with me.

The Treadmills....

Loaded up!

In the garage...but now it's set up in the weighs 396 lbs!!! I didn't have to carry it down there thanks goodness!!!

New Years Day 3 hr run

The Houston marathon is 2 weeks out and I ran 3 hours on New years day (almost 20). I ran on a trail so it was a little slower than road but am feeling good for the race with minimal training.


  1. How awesome that you got a great new TM for Christmas! 2 weeks until the marathon - very exciting!

  2. Congrats on the treadmill! That is a great present. Congrats on your run! I always enjoy a great trail run.

  3. Exciting about the treadmill! Good job husband! Doing 20 on trails is more like 25 on road :) Enjoy the taper!
