
Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 in Review and 2012 Goals


I joined the Arvada Running club in late 2010. 2011 was just great for my running by being a part of this club. I got rejuvenated and felt like I was on a cross-country team again! The love and support I get and can give to all these different runners in the club is contagious. I began running track workouts and long runs consistently. I had some minor injuries but overall a great year.

I ran many races in 2011 and had some disappointments but overall am so happy to be racing again!!

 Frosty's Frozen 5M 39:48

Snowman Stampede 10M: 1:27

Lincoln half marathon 1:47
Colfax half marathon 1:47
Run with Rocky 5k 23:33

Taste of Louisville 5k 22:21

4M on the 4th 18:44

Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half marathon 1:51

DSG 5k 22:57

Denver Rock n Roll half marathon 1:44

Rudolph's Revenge 23:37

In Career:
I am trying to challenge myself more in my career as I have been a high school guidance counselor at the same high school for 8 years. So this year I took on an intern and that was a great experience to train someone to become a counselor one day.

In Home:
We are in the process of re-modeling our basement and should be done soon so I can post pics! We textured all the walls by ourselves and painted. Just need some tile work done and bathroom.

2012 Goals/Resolutions:

One marathon a year

A race a month...last year I missed March, April and November

Try one new recipe (once every 2 weeks)
Explore new running trails in the Boulder area

Finish re-modeling basement

Fun craft projects - one a month minimum!!

Be a good wife

Plan summer vacation 2012

Blog once a week minimum

Comment on other people's blogs

Compete with myself but encourage others  (I've had my competitive days back in high school and college)


  1. Good luck with all your goals in the coming year!

  2. I don't know how I missed this post, you had a great year! And the plans for the 2012 look great!
    I just wanted to pop over and wish you luck this weekend! Don't forget to have fun! Can you have fun while running a marathon? I susupect you can.... :) good luck!

  3. Wow, you had a great year last year racing! There's always a few disappointing races thrown in there, but I think those races make us stronger and hungrier for the next! Hope to see you at a race or two this me if you happen to be at one I have listed and we'll meet up - fun!! Happy New Year to you...hope 2012 brings you tons of happy, healthy miles!
