
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The NYC Marathon Recap

I know it's taken a long time to write this. I am the type of person who needs a lot of time to process.

This is my random recap...

On Friday, October 31st I left my 7 month old baby for the first time at 5am. My great friend, Lori, picked me up and drove us to the airport. We got onto our flight easily and on time. There was one hiccup going through security...I had my breast pump with me as we had carry on luggage only and they asked me to step aside and they opened it. They asked is there any liquid in there? I said no not yet. The TSA lady asked again...I caught something that is wet...then I questioned myself and was like did I pump already? (sleep deprived since March people).Oh yeah the freezer pack was in there! AWWW then she said OK that is great you are breastfeeding so inexpensive etc.

Then we got seated and we were almost ready to go and then something was wrong with the plane!
I was like I need to pump! My plan was to pump on the plane since DIA didn't have a pumping room at all. They said I could pump in the family restroom, but I thought it would be easier to pump on the plane in the bathroom.  My friend that I was traveling with is a flight attendant and she said that she had several women do that on her flights.

So I went to the flight attendant and said can I go in there and pump since we aren't moving? She said of course! I get all ready to go and start and then we start moving! I poked my head out and said do I need to sit down and she said if you can yes. AWWWW so I packed up and sat down. We get in the air and I go back and start all over!

We arrived in NYC and our car that we ordered arrived! We drove to our apartment that we rented through homeaway. We rented a 2 bedroom 1 bath, but ended up with a 3 bedroom 2 bath huge apartment! Nothing fancy, but awesome. Great idea to rent I felt like I was on Sex and the City or Friends. However, no amenities that a hotel has.

We settled in quickly and headed to the expo and then the plan was dinner and Wicked. I was a little nervous about pumping somewhere, but there wasn't really time to come back to the apartment just to pump and I didn't want to seem any more high maintenance than I already was!

The expo was Ok....I went to packet pick-up and they asked what size shirt and I said small. I looked at it and said I mean medium. Then I stepped aside and looked at it and decided a large would be best. I turned around and they said we can't take that back. I was like really?! I just got it and it won't fit. I moved on to the next lady and she also gave me a hard time. I was almost in tears and couldn't believe how mean these people were! I know they were volunteers trained to not take any shirts back, but come on I deserve a shirt that fits!! Finally a lady exchanged it quickly so she wouldn't get caught and said hurry and go!

I bought the 5 borough gloves and that was it. Oh and waited about 30 minutes to go to the bathroom! I drink so much water from breastfeeding that I always have to pee.

Then we got on a shuttle and got dropped of near the Wicked theater. We had an awesome dinner at a nearby pub.

We go to Wicked and I ask if there is a place that I can pump at. The ticket guy was super nice and offered a larger bathroom for disabled people. It was kind of hidden. I found it and noticed that there wasn't an outlet.
I have a battery pack, but it doesn't work awesome so I try to only use it if I have to. In this bathroom there was a door. I opened it and there was this little room with a counter, couch and an outlet! Once again I peek my head out and ask the ticket checker if I could use the other room. She kida yelled and so no that is the VIP room. I said oh well no one is in there can i use it. Then she said why? I told her to pump and then she got all nice and said let me call my manager. He let me in and I got to pump in this nice room with a couch and outlet!

Wicked was awesome!!! I saw it in 2011 in Denver and was presently surprised that I had forgotten parts of it.

Our apartment was right next to a Dunkin Donuts!

On Saturday morning Lori was going to run the 5k. Angela and I woke up stopped at Dunkin to get coffee and walked in the rain to watch. It was nice to see the finish line that I would be crossing on Sunday!

Lori kicked butt and in the future that 5k would be a fun race to run!

Saturday we just relaxed at the apartment to stay off our legs plus it was raining and cold outside

We met up with Angela for an awesome Italian dinner.

I didn't sleep well at all as the beds were pretty crappy and it was loud outside.

I thought yeah finally full nights sleep without Harper here. Not so much!

Woke up early Sunday and got ready. Mistake #1 I should have put on my capris and not my shorts, but my shorts have this awesome pocket in them for my goos. The capri pocket was smaller.

Lori walked me to the bus pick-up area. This part was super easy. I got to the start area and I was able to get into the VIP United tent. Well, since it was sooo cold and windy they couldn't have the sides of the tent down. So I just sat in front of this heater for awhile. They had bagels and hand warmers.

I pumped in the porta potty with a electric pump. Not as bad as I thought it would be....then I found the Med tent and gave them my pump to get to the finish area.

By now I was able to get into my corral.

When I started that first mile just did me in. I hate to say it, but mentally that was very hard on me and I am not sure why? I ran a 10:30 first mile. Here's the thing...I was in the last wave and so I felt alone on the bridge...I didn't have anyone to block the wind and it wasn't crowded at all! It was so weird and I thought it was going to be stupid crowded. y legs were pink and I was trying to enjoy the moment, but it just was tough, The 2nd miles was better a 9:0. Then I saw people and I thought this is it! They will carry me! I have ran big races before and usually the crowd helps me a ton. This time I just was annoyed it was weird. I put on my music and just tried to get in my zone. I ended up stopping to pee four times, which hurt my time about 10 minutes according to my Garmin, but again with breastfeeding I need to drink a ton and am always thirsty!

Then I got hungry! I didn't start the race until 9:45 ish and had eaten 2 bagels, but think I needed protein? Normally on my long runs I just had toast and was fine.

At mile 9 I was at a porta potty and was ready to GIVE UP! Everything hip injury had flared up and mentally I  was defeated. I was about to text my friend to come and pick me up I didn't care. I was thinking how selfish am I to leave my baby and run a marathon and what if it effect my milk production!

Then I thought wow my husband will kill me if I spent all this money and only ran 9 miles!!! SO I walked/ran for awhile. A spectator and some peanut butter crackers and I ate a bunch of those and finally started feeling better! needless to say I ran a 2:21 first half and a 2:13 second half!

My favorite part was running into Central park. I also liked the bridges.

I thought people were super pushy and rude. As I was coming into the finish I kicked it in and I was weaving my way through and a guy turned and looked at me and then elbowed me in the boob, which I was shocked and jumped a little and the girl on my left elbowed me to get out of her way. I could not believe it! I was in such shock I couldn't even enjoy the finish ! I was very disappointed in many parts of this race. I really wanted to be positive, but It was disappointing. Also, along the way I was getting a cookie from a spectator and as I was putting it into my mouth a runner came along and bumped into me and it fell on the ground! I yelled hey! and he didn't even turn around.

Time was worst marathon time ever. It would have been ten minutes faster without the potty stops. Actually happy I finished...With the injury and the breastfeeding I think I did all right!

I am glad I completed the race. I am glad that I have done 3 of the 6 major marathons. I may do one international one at some point.

Another fiasco with taking my frozen breast milk on the airplane home, but it all worked out :)

I now am moving on to trail racing and potentially an ultra. I am ready for nicer people and I think I am a strong trail runner.

I would like to run a road marathon in 2016 maybe St. George or a small race nearby!


Mile 1

WICKED Friday Night
Along the course

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The breastfeeding post....while training for a marathon

I am currently breastfeeding Harper. She has been exclusively breastfed the entire time. She is almost 7 months old.

No one told me how hard it was going to be.Well, maybe they did, but I guess I didn't want to hear it. I mean I read blogs about running, breastfeeding and training for races so I thought if they can do it I can.

WOW! It is work. I assumed that I would have a great supply and I guess looking back I should have taken fenugreek earlier, pumped a little differently and started earlier. I started around 3 weeks. I also didn't have a good pump until 2.5 months. That helped a ton. I was using a medela swing that was handed down to me and it didn't work well at all.

Currently I take 2  5.5oz. bottles to daycare and since I am lucky to usually be able to go over there on my lunch break and nurse her. They have a nice breastfeeding room.  Daycare uses 1-2 a day plus a jar of purees.

We give her a 6oz. bottle at night. My production dips in the evening and I just want to make sure she gets enough. My husband usually feed her. She really does seem to sleep better too on a full tummy. When I pump that night session I have lots and sometimes not....I like knowing she gets the same amount every night.

So everyday I need to pump around 12oz. or more to keep up on bottles. I usually pump 12-16oz. a day. That's pumping in the morning before I leave for work at 6AM  if Harper ate earlier otherwise I nurse her. I usually feed her around 4am.

9AM and 3 PM at work and usually around 8:30PM after she has gone to bed.

This seems to work for me.

I feel such pressure to have this huge freezer stash as well. I started freezing when I was on maternity leave. I just pumped one or two extra times in between  nursing. I still am freezing but maybe a bag every five days or so.

I have about 100 4oz. frozen bags so enough. I know other women have a ton more, but again this is what I have.

At times my production dipped and I was so scared I was not going to continue. I feel such pressure to "go a year". I am almost to 7 months and am so happy I just try to get through each month. It is getting easier and becoming a habit.

Pumping at work is actually going really well. I bought a wall sticker at Lowe's and that covers my window door and then I close the blinds. It's very private and my secretary is awesome and lets me know if anyone stopped by. I was nervous about being behind closed doors so long, but it is working out well. I am glad I have such a supportive team and co-workers.

The only stressful part is when I have a meeting or need to be out of the building at a conference or something, but I just call and see if they have a room that I can  pump in or I don't go. I pump early or late depending.

Another stressful part for me was coming home after work with Harper around 4:00pm and unloading the car, cleaning all the empty bottles transferring all the pumped milk into the bottles. My husband doesn't get home most evenings until 8:00pm so that time has been challenging, but is getting much better and I am so enjoying spending quality time with Harper.

Onto running....

I have run several marathons with a lifetime PR of 3:19. For this training cycle I have been running Wednesday mornings, a four mile progressive run.  Thursday a three mile easy run. Long runs on Saturdays, alternating Saturdays between trail and road. 19 miles was my longest run.  I will have put in a 10 week cycle. Not great. I have a hip injury so this is what my body can handle. I am masking the pain with Advil on my runs. I hope to run a 4 hour marathon.

When I get back from my long runs I immediately pump or feed her if needed. She has never minded my sweaty boobs! I also have not had any issues with running and my production. I dip in the evenings and when my first period came back.

Would I have ever registered for a marathon 7 months postpartum? Probably not knowing what I now know.

- I thought for sure we would all be sleeping through the night by now.
- I miss out on Saturday morning sleep.
- I miss out on a pumping session for my freezer stash.
+ I have lost quite a bit of weight  and am almost back to my pre baby weight.
+ I have enjoyed my girl time on these early morning runs.
+ I have enjoyed the peace and quiet and ME time.

 If the marathon wasn't NYC then I wouldn't have, but in the end I think it will all be worth it.

Not sure where to insert this but, I will say even though she doesn't sleep through the night I love the precious night feeding time. It is awesome.

6 Month Photo Shoot

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

6 Months..short and sweet update

Harper is almost 6 Months!! Holy Cow! She is so awesome and is sitting up now. I FINALLY get to use the jogger! I didn't get a BOB so I have been impatiently waiting.

Motherhood is hard, but I love it. I call BS on soo many of the blogs and books out there. Harper doesn't fit into any of their descriptions. She is Harper and I am just trying to read her as best as I can. Good days are amazing and bad days are tough. Luckily she is a happy baby and has many good days!!

I am 6 weeks out to NYC. I have been injured and have been masking it with Advil. So far so good. Have a 13 miler under my belt and plan a 17er this weekend. I just want to feel decent and finish. Every other weekend I trail run so that has been helping with hill work etc.

Almost 6 Months!

I need to run early now with kiddo so I get to see the sunrise :)

Trail run on Saturday

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Almost 5 Months...


Harper is almost 5 months old!

I can't believe it! Although challenging I LOVE being a mom. I knew I would. She still doesn't sleep through the night, but that 2am feeding is such a special time I don't seem to mind. I need to work on getting myself back to sleep though. I went back to work the last day of July and had a 17 week maternity leave (since I work at a school my maternity leave ran right into my summer break).

I am a working and pumping mama! It's going well. My brain is still a little mushy, but I am getting better. Finding a balance is my biggest struggle, but I am getting there.

Harper's daycare is in the building right next to mine, which is awesome. They have a nursing room there so I try to get over there on my lunch breaks.



I was smart about coming back from running and I eased into it. I ran until I was 36 weeks pregnant and started at 5 weeks slowly. I biked and lifted weights until 40 weeks. I had Harper at 41 weeks.  I was starting to feel good and seemed to be getting faster. Then my hip started to hurt. I took a week off and then kept running on it. I have had massages, been to the Dr. and PT. It still hurts...

I have the NYC marathon in 10 WEEKS!!!My longest (painful) run is 8 miles. My friend is also running it and she is a 12 minute runner. I have already purchased airline tickets, Wicked tickets (on Halloween night!) and rented an apartment. I need to go this year. I will run/walk it...I hope to go under 6 hours and that is just for my boobs as I will need to pump before and after.

I know I can defer the marathon to next year, but to spend all that money again is crazy. How bad will walk/running hurt? How do I even train for that? Do I need to walk/run for 5 hours?

Anyway, that is life and NYC will be fun no matter what! I am glad I have such a great friend that will go with the flow with me.

What would you do in my situation?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Almost 3 months old!

Wow people were right when they say time flies with a child! I can't believe Harper will be three months old June 30th! We are having a great summer! Life is good! She is smiling tons and cooing. I love her soo much it's amazing. Breast feeding is going well and I am stocking up on my freezer stash. I go back to work July 31st and am mentally preparing. I think it will be OK. Actually am anxious to see how pumping at work office has tons of windows with blinds...not sure how that will work...stay tuned.

Waiting until our 3 month check-up to make sure Harper's weight is ok and then will start some sleep training. Right now I want her to eat when she needs to in order to gain weight. She was at the low end at our last appointment...although in the 90% for length.

The NYC marathon is November 2! I was interested in hiring a coach for the race. I feel that because I have been coached since 7th grade in either cross-country or track through need a coach as an adult!HA It's so tough to train myself even though I know how to make a schedule etc. I just got used to a coach to help push me etc. The running club helps, but it's not the same.

Well, hiring a coach is pricy. I found one for $50 a month and may use her in the last months if needed,but the New York Road Runners have virtual training programs. I bought the 16 week program for $50. I think that will work for now. I am excited and 16 weeks out starts July 14th!!
I am 12 weeks postpartum and running about 15 miles a week. Hopefully by the 15th I will be up to 20 and go from there. The program seems easy to follow and there is an online component for extra support etc.

Not sure of goals at this point but I dream of  something in the 3's....a 3:45 would be BQ for me (that
doesn't mean I am in though) so for sure that, but hopefully faster.

                                                                 A few pictures...

Friday, May 30, 2014

Harper Rose

Harper Rose was born March 30, 2014 at 11:00 a.m.

She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 20 3/4 inches

We are so in love.

She is 2 months old today! I can't believe it! She loves being outside, smiles often and rolled over for the first time yesterday!

I am impressed by those who were blogging right after birth..I finally feel motivated to blog now. Although I have been writing in my journal.

As for the running part of my life I am officially registered, plane ticket purchased and vrbo apartment rented for the NYC marathon!

Thank goodness I worked out during pregnancy! It has been tough getting back into shape. I thought it would be a lot easier since I worked out until the end, but not so much. I can't imagine not having worked out during pregnancy! I still have 15 pounds to lose. Everyone said you lose the weight when breastfeeding and now everyone is saying you hold on to the last ten pounds because of breastfeeding! What?!

I am walking lots, lifting and running. I still need to walk once or twice per run and am running in the tens...I hope to get the pace down.

Otherwise everything is amazing! The lack of sleep and fussy times are totally worth it!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Remember this time and enjoy it @ 36 weeks!!

Don't get me wrong I  LOVE being pregnant and am so grateful that I am having a great pregnancy, but I am craving a fast track workout, a long hard trail run or to check a day off on a marathon training plan.

I need to remember this time when I am unmotivated to run when training for the NYC marathon!

I hate how my thighs rub and I feel mushy. I know it's OK though.

I am still running...barely, biking and lifting light. I hope to bounce back and get in shape, eat clean and get fit! For me and for baby as I plan to breastfeed.

I am so lucky and grateful for my friends and family. I had a couple of great baby showers!

My sister, mom and I at Baby Shower.

One of our maternity shots

Friday, January 24, 2014

31.5 Weeks

Things are going good!

I am still running, but slowly. My shins have been hurting...I have newer shoes, but am thinking just being heavier is impacting.

My shower is planned and I have registered. I am in a good place. We are taking birthing classes and getting the nursery ready.

Overall, I am enjoying pregnancy. Every now and then I am uncomfortable, but so far so good. I am grateful for that.

I always thought that when I was pregnant I would love having the time off of running and letting my body recuperate from years and years of training, but I find myself wanting to workout. I am happy that exercise is instilled in my brain. It's nice not to have a specific workout, but I find myself looking at races that I want to run in the future and actually am craving a schedule. I need to remember this when I am in full on marathon training mode.

I decided to go to the first race of the Nighthawks season. You can read about Nighthawks here.
It's really tough when the ladies you beat last year lap you....very humbling. However, I had a great "race" and had fun so that's what it's about. Not sure if I will go up again this year. I mean I peed two times on the course and I kinda lost my balance a few times so not really worth it to keep baby safe, but we'll see... there is something about snow shoeing at night that is just magical.

Trail running at North Table Mtn Loop...30 weeks

Go Broncos!

Snow Shoe Race at 31.5 weeks!