
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Almost 5 Months...


Harper is almost 5 months old!

I can't believe it! Although challenging I LOVE being a mom. I knew I would. She still doesn't sleep through the night, but that 2am feeding is such a special time I don't seem to mind. I need to work on getting myself back to sleep though. I went back to work the last day of July and had a 17 week maternity leave (since I work at a school my maternity leave ran right into my summer break).

I am a working and pumping mama! It's going well. My brain is still a little mushy, but I am getting better. Finding a balance is my biggest struggle, but I am getting there.

Harper's daycare is in the building right next to mine, which is awesome. They have a nursing room there so I try to get over there on my lunch breaks.



I was smart about coming back from running and I eased into it. I ran until I was 36 weeks pregnant and started at 5 weeks slowly. I biked and lifted weights until 40 weeks. I had Harper at 41 weeks.  I was starting to feel good and seemed to be getting faster. Then my hip started to hurt. I took a week off and then kept running on it. I have had massages, been to the Dr. and PT. It still hurts...

I have the NYC marathon in 10 WEEKS!!!My longest (painful) run is 8 miles. My friend is also running it and she is a 12 minute runner. I have already purchased airline tickets, Wicked tickets (on Halloween night!) and rented an apartment. I need to go this year. I will run/walk it...I hope to go under 6 hours and that is just for my boobs as I will need to pump before and after.

I know I can defer the marathon to next year, but to spend all that money again is crazy. How bad will walk/running hurt? How do I even train for that? Do I need to walk/run for 5 hours?

Anyway, that is life and NYC will be fun no matter what! I am glad I have such a great friend that will go with the flow with me.

What would you do in my situation?