
Saturday, September 28, 2013

15 Weeks

Here we go...
How far along: 15 weeks.
Total weight gain:  3 lbs.
What I love: Planning our Guess the Gender Party
Worries: Nothing really...
Sleep: I am sleeping great.
The belly: When I am full it feels bigger but my husband says I look the same. 
Best moment of the week: I am completely off caffeine...I feel good overall and am sleeping great but I usually have caffeine before running. So that has been an adjustment. I don't always "have my pump on" but have been having decent runs.  I just feel out of breathe all the time.
Food cravings: Grapes and apples
Food aversions: Turkey lunch meat
Baby’s Movement: None yet.
My Movement: I only ran 2 days last week, but so far this week has been good with a spin workout, a run/walk and an hour trail run.
Milestones: My pants are getting tighter and I had to change my belt loop hole by one. 
Symptoms: I need to eat only small meals. We went to Ruby Tuesdays on Friday and I didn't even finish my meal and I was  full for a couple hours after. 
Gender: My appointment is October 17th but I will have them put the answer in an envelope and take it to the bakery to make us a cake with either pink or blue frosting. 
What I’m looking forward to: When we cut the cake at the party and find out the gender in front of our close friends and family!
What I miss: Wine, staying up late and training hard for a fall race. 
Next appt: October 8th
Due Date: March 23

My best friend and I at brunch in Denver.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Best Summer Recap Ever

I know I haven't posted in a long time, but this has been a post I have been wanting and dreaming to be able to write for quite awhile.

I didn't want to spill the beans on accident and was so excited that I thought I just might especially if I was talking about running.

I am pregnant! About 13 weeks once I hit publish :)

I found out mid July and it felt so surreal, in fact it still does. Going to appointments and hearing the heartbeat makes it so real though.

My husband and I really didn't want to tell anyone until at least 12 weeks however, how can one do that realistically?

We did end telling parents at 8 weeks and I told a few close friends. I figure if I miscarried they would be supportive for me.

This will be my first and I am a bit older...I am 37 and will have just turned 38 when I deliver.

As for running right when I found out I got really scared and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was on a trail run with a really good friend and up to that point I was running really strong and I just fell way behind and walked up some of the hard parts.

My husband and I went to lift legs that week and again I just felt off and lifted very light.

So I took a week off or running and lifting knowing that I could run and lift and that it's perfectly healthy but I just felt weird.

I did go on some nice long bike rides though.

Then I started getting nauseous like all day long! It sucked not enough to throw up though.
Went to my 61/2 week appointment and heard the heartbeat!!! Then I felt much better and not as anxious.

I then started running again and I was just slow... like 10 minute miles oh well afterwards I felt much better.

So now I am running three days a week on my treadmill before work. This is so nice because I can adjust my speed as needed and also am close to a bathroom.

On the weekends I try to get in 5-7 miles on an easier trail and just go slow.

I want to keep running as long as I can and I want to enjoy this time as it took awhile to get pregnant.

I am trying not to care about my mileage or pace these next months and I hope to come back stronger and faster. I do have guaranteed entry to NY marathon 2014 so that will be a great race to train for.

I also have always admired all of the running moms out there and I hope that I have the determination, stamina, time and mental toughness to be able to as well.

I most likely will try to now post weekly or so not to be annoying, but to document this for me and my family.