
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

I am usually a once a week blogger but with the Holidays that is tough. Especially with traveling and no smart phone for me :(

My husband and I drove to Nebraska to visit my mom for a few days and we went shopping and hung out in her small town.  For some reason I didn't take any pictures...

Then we only had a 10 hour drive instead of 13 onto Minnesota to spend time with my dad. Last year at this time there was a ton of snow in Minnesota and this year there was none! It was weird. Of course we had a blast and I ate and drank some. I did run but not the mileage I wanted to.

We just returned back to Colorado with a ton of snow and I had a great run this morning. I am less than 3 weeks out to Houston so this will be my last hard week with a 20 miler on Sunday. My main goal really is to finish strong but would love to beat my worst marathon time of 3:55. This race came up unexpected so I have not put in the training that I would have liked to but I think I have enough fitness and mental toughness (and a fast course) to achieve this. I felt awesome on my 17 miler so we shall see.

 Enjoy the pics!

Fun bar in Hokah, MN

Cool toy store in Kellogg, MN

Total hick drinking wine in this cup!!

David and Karen, my step mom's sis who is super fun! Yes this party is in a heated garage...totally Minnesota!

My step sister and her man.

My new favorite game....FARKLE!!!

My dad singing in the church choir.

My dad and I.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


WOW I can't believe this is happening!

So as of yesterday I called off my February marathon. No one was going to go with me to Arizona and I didn't want to spend the money to go alone plus it would have been BORING!

So I was talking to my running club coach and she had the Brilliant idea (Remember Blair and her brilliant ideas from the Fact of Life!!?? LOVED show...I digress.......)

Without going into too much detail I am going to run the full marathon January 15th!!!
AND I get to watch the Olympic trials Saturday!!!!! How fun. So I need to get in a 17 and 20 miler some tempos in the next 4 weeks!

I am so excited! I will run this for fun so no PR's but still a marathon is a marathon :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Fun

Last weekend my sister, husband and I made cute homemade gifts for family members. We had such a good time! I love getting fun ideas from pinterest and other crafty bloggers out there.

Woke up early before my 12 mile run on Sunday and made pumpkin apple butter.

Then we made gift tags and and used twine to decorate the jars.


Training is going just OK. I ran over 12 on Sunday but on bike the end my knee was killing me. Plus we have had super cold weather and snow here like in the hard to run outside (but I still do). Work is super stressful until Dec. 16th so that doesn't help either...

However weather is looking better this week. I hope I feel good on this weekend's 15 miler. Lots of people that said they were going to run this race with me have bailed so do I even want to spend $500+ to run this or train for another one later? Am I just chickening out? I plan on running it as of now :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cleansing, Wobenzyme and a 25 HR road trip (one way)...

Drove 25 hours one way to Fayetteville, NC for Thanksgiving and back. My mother-in-law smokes in the house so my week off of work was at best FFF ~ Forced Family Fun~ I did make the best of it though.

Ahead of time I searched online (in-laws have no Internet) and I found a running path about 15 minutes away from their house and went running there a few days. Of course I didn't get in my 12 mile run...for some reason when I am out of my routine I can't seem to follow my running schedule. I am working on this and is a great goal for me to work on....

On the computer was a great feeling to not be on line AT ALL for 1 week. I don't have a smart phone so seriously NOTHING...this felt good and I will try to monitor my computer time more.

My Sister-in-law works at Mother's, a California health food store, and she taught us all about the ULTIMATE CLEANSE! My husband and I started yesterday...I will keep you posted.

Sister -in-law and I

Another great tip she gave us was Wobenzyme. Wobenzym helps everyday aches, pains and muscle soreness due to everyday activity. It also increases flexibility and mobility, promotes a normal inflammation response and supports joint and tendon health. So far so good on this as well! It's like an all natural advil!

Training is going OK. This week is 12 weeks out so plan to have a solid track workout today
(10 X 400) and a good long run Sunday and then I will feel confident to be back on track. This past week was a hiccup in my training....

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another week....

Crazy week (2 of 16)...Didn't reach my goal but sometimes LIFE gets in the way. I still have tons of time so I am OK with it.........

Woke up early 5:15am although didn't feel early thanks to daylight savings time. I ran the slowest 3 miles ever! I learned that after my Saturday/Sunday combo that I need to take Monday off. Glad I learned this early on. It may have helped get the lactate acid out but whatever it sucked!!!!

Went to the track around 5pm ran 1 mile warm-up and then ran 1 mile at 7:17...not bad! 400 recovery and 2nd mile 7:07! I was supposed to be at 7:17 so YEAH! It was getting cold and dark but pretty surreal running in the moonlight. One other lady came from running club. We don't have official track during the winter but have started an underground group for us hardcore ladies :)

Early 3 have a busy Thursday and Friday so no running until Saturday! My legs can't wait for a few days rest.


Ran 6 miles in Nebraska as I was visiting my parents. Went well only had time for this as I worked at the craft fair.

My sister and I working at the Holiday fair in Nebraska...

Is that Mrs. Claus???Nope just my mom! She was in charge of the Holiday Fair. It was a huge success!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 1 of 16

Week 1 was a success! I wanted to run 25 miles and I did! I also lifted weights twice. I think as I am getting older I am a bit more disciplined. However, this coming week will be difficult as I have a conference out of town Thursday and Friday and will be away for the weekend. I have it planned out though. I am a little afraid to post this since so many of you run tons more mileage but this is what works for me and I will build up more as the weeks come along.

was running in the dark by 5:10am. I had watched Halloween the night before and thought all the men walking their dogs could be Michael Myers.
Also first time running listening to a for normal people....I like running to podcasts!
4 mi at 9:00 pace

Met Running Buddy at 5:15am and we ran a 5 mile loop near our houses. A new loop for me. Lots of sidewalk, which I don't like, but great loop. It was dark in spots and still icy and showy in parts.Made to work on time so I know I can run a bit longer in the mornings.
6 mi at 9:20 ish pace

Hubby and I got up around 6:30 and he went to gym and I ran my new 6 mile loop. This was a marathon pace run so the first 2 miles or so was easy and then then last 4 were supposed to be at 8:15 pace. I was all over the place so I need to work on consistency. I was anywhere from 7:34-8:34 so I felt good about it.

Sunny and 28 degrees out...ran 9.1 miles on a hilly course. Averaged 8:48 pace so I am happy with that.
Marathon History:
Chicago 1998 I was 23 years old and had just finished my college track season the previous spring. I ran long runs but timed them not sure of mileage...didn't do speed workouts that I recall and ran a 3:27

Boston 2000 I had just moved to Colorado (June 1999) and knew I needed to start training. I coached cross-country and track at the high school I worked at so I was in decent shape I ran a 16 miler and a few hour long runs...It hurt but I had the altitude advantage and ran a 3:28. I think my brain remembered how to run???!!!

Las Vegas 2002 I met some awesome ladies and we had a 14 week plan and I trained HARD....track workouts...great long runs (2 20's) and tempo....highest mileage week was 54 ish
I ran a 3:19

Tucson 2004 I had just finished my Masters degree and hired my old roommate, a now running coach, and she trained me for this downhill marathon. Again long runs, track workouts every week I ran 10X 800's!!!
I ran a legs cramped up so bad I had to walk even though I trained hard on goal was a 3:12.

Twin Cities 2005 I have no idea what happened here.....I ran great long runs, speed legs felt super heavy and it was the worst race ever for me!!! 3:55

Friday, October 28, 2011

New morning Running Buddy!

I am getting nervous and excited for marathon training! I will "officially" start Nov. 1st for a 16 week program.

I also figured out that one of the running club ladies lives right by me. So I asked her if she runs in the mornings and she said all the time and loves it. So we will meet around 5:15am and run Tuesday and Thursday mornings! We met this past Thursday at 5:15am in 19 degree weather so I don't think she will bail much. Tuesday we will attempt speed either tempo runs, 800's or 1600's and Thursday just easy miles.

I like getting my runs over in the morning I just hope I can get quality speed in. I am used to running weekly on a track but this program has more tempo runs anyway. If I know I am meeting someone I am much more motivated to get up and run. YEAH!

Fun running motivaton playing on Pinterest....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Versatile Blogger...oh yeah

How Cool is this!!I was tagged in this fun activity!

There are a few basic rules with this award:

1. You have to thank the giver, and provide a link to the post. Thanks a ton to Julie over at You Just have to Tri

2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.

3. Award 15 other newly discovered blogs the same award (I changed this one up a little as you will see below.

7 Fun Facts

1. The reason I named my blog Happy Runner Girl is that was my user name on and that is where I met my husband. I thought that was a good title and good luck.

2. I ran cross-country and track in high school and college. My high school coach did a great job of turning me into a life long runner! I even ran with Kara Goucher (Wheeler then) when she was a 9th grader at the state CC meet in 1992 ha! I was only a minute and nine seconds behind her in a 2 mile race LOL!!

3. I recently fell in love with hiking 14er's out in Colorado. As a runner all my life I used to think hiking was so boring but once you make it to the top it's amazing and 14er's are HARD!

4. I love traveling, especially with my husband, we usually go to Mexico and it helps that I speak Spanish!

5. I want to be a mom someday! I am 35 I better get going :)

6. I know I can PR in a few more races but I fear the pain sometimes and  my competitiveness gets in the way. I just need to run for me!

7. I love my job and am so happy I chose the correct career path for me, I am a high school counselor, but my next career dream is to teach at the college level. (I already have an application in to teach night school and a local university).

So most of the blogs I read aren't I thought I would choose some inspiring/motivational blogs here...

Gourmet runner

Running Sane

Running, TRI-ing and Living


Blue eyed Runner

Hungry Runner Girl

Historian on the Run

Chicago Runner Girl

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Good Stuff

I have decided to run the Arizona marathon! It's February 19th, which is perfect since I have off work that Friday and Monday for President's weekend. The race is WAY cheaper than a rock'n' roll race and flights aren't bad. They also have a half and a relay so I am hoping to convince some of the running club gals to join me.

Some people have questioned me training all winter in Colorado, but I ran my PR marathon in February years ago and trained in Colorado. I just have to check the weather for my long runs. I am a Minnesota girl...I love running outside in the winter!!!I did run them all outside that year. I am so excited!! I have a plan pretty much in place I just want a few people to take a look and will start mid- November. I have been reading "the books" on marthoning that lots of you bloggers write about and am scared to completely give up my speed workouts however know that tempo and pace runs are also important. So I have a sprinkling of using my old plan that worked well and adding some more tempo and pace runs. I am hoping I can get a few girls to join me in my training too!

My goal will be to run a 3:30-3:40....I have not run a marathon since 2005 so want to get the feel of it back before I get too crazy :)

IF life gets in the way...aka getting pregnant...then I will either run the half or transfer the race until next year but I can't think like that otherwise I will drive myself crazy....ugh....

Totally side husband and I are re-modeling our basement and I came across all of my medals from various races and they were all packed away in a box. I got them out and was living in my memories for awhile and David noticed I think because he made me this medal rack! I am really lucky that I have a carpenter as a husband (although believe me it also has it's downfalls :)  but he had this piece of wood lying around, stained it and he bought some hooks and I LOVE it! How thoughtful!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Denver Half Recap's over! I am happy to not be on a schedule for awhile and at the same time gearing up for another race. I was already on McMillian figuring out my times.

I ran the Denver Rock 'n' Roll half marathon in 1:44:54!!! Here's the thing I am soooo happy to have broken that 1:45 barrier that has been in my way for the last year. I ran a 1:40 in 2009 but it was a downhill course.  I have been struggling with the half distance since May 2011 so I am very pleased with this time!

I think I went out too fast. grrrr....It took awhile to warm-up and then after the hill towards the end of mile 3 I felt good! I ran some nice splits...then mile 11.5 came and I was dying! Ugh... there were hills (which I have trained for) but didn't have the strength. I was trying to be mentally tough but body was hurting and it just didn't fall into place.

I ran this same course in 2006 and ran a 1:47:35 so actually when I stop worrying about others' times and focus on ME I ran great and felt great too!

I was disappointed in the runners a little. During races I like to run with someone just for awhile and work together. Do you know what I mean? Usually people like it and it's usually positive for both people. Well I tried that during the race and people just took off. It's like dude it's ok calm down. Whatever....

My new plan is to run the Phoenix full marathon February 19th! I am so excited to train and run a full marathon. I haven't run one since 2005. I know training will be tough as well as the race but it's time to face the fear after my poor race in 2005.

At the Expo! I will say Rock'n' Roll races have good expos!

Before the race!

Arvada Running Club Gals!They ROCK!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Arvada Running Club *** BOOK Club

I LOVE my running club! They are a group of AMAZING women of all ages! I joined them after moving to Arvada and we meet on Sundays for long runs and Tuesdays for track workouts. We take turns setting out water stations on Sundays so when you are on a 14 mile run, for example, you run by several aid stations with water, Gatorade and sometimes fun snacks! The club is only for women and we are all very supportive of one another.  We also have a  fundraiser and give the money to a high school girl from Arvada that will run in college. We discuss races we want to do and train for them together and carpool to races. It's soo much fun! It's like being on an adult cross country team.

For this session people are training for the Portland marathon or half and the Denver Rock and Roll full or half all on October 9th. I am excited to race but also am so excited to see how my fellow (teammates) club members do!! There is a women doing her first full and I bet she will run a 3:40 or faster. There is another lady that kicks butt on the track workouts and I hope breaks 4:00. I LOVE that feeling of thinking of others and wanting them to succeed! We will be texting back and forth between Portland to see how everyone does.

So being the super dork that I am I decided to have a running club book club!!! Who else can I talk to about running and running books!This is the first one and we are reading Running on Empty by Marshall Ulrich. I LOVED the book. It's so fun to see the gang dressed up (normal clothes) instead of running attire and no make-up. It's like "who are you?" We had a really good discussion and a great time! They almost had me convinced to run a full marathon in January!! We'll see....I haven't run a marathon since 2005.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Goals for Denver Rock and Roll Half Marathon

The Denver Rock and Roll Half is in 2 Weeks!!! I am getting excited and nervous! I have done pretty well on my training although I have had some injury type issues throughout....

Goal A: 1:45 ( 8:01 pace)  This technically should not be a problem. I have put in the training to achieve this. I am confident that I can do this. It will hurt of course but that's ok :)

Goal B: 1:40-1:44 (7:38-8:00 pace) This would be amazing! The course is at altitude and not flat or hilly so this could be doable if everything falls into, fresh legs, mental toughness.

Goal C: 1:39 (7:34 pace) My recent PR is a 1:40 so to break that would be wonderful and I would be so happy!!!!!!

Goal D: 1:37:00 (7:25 pace).... My true DREAM to get a guaranteed entrance to New York. It could happen...with running anything is possible.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Garmin vs. Good ol' Timex Thoughts.................

Last night I had a track workout. 3 X 1600. First of all only one other lady from the running club showed up!! I was a little dissapointed that more didn't show up.

We warmed up and started the first one. I ran 4 laps in 7:03. HOWEVER according to Garmin I ran 1.05 miles and that would be a 6:43 mile, which sounds way better than 7:03. Back in the day I would have just known that my mile time was 7:03 ya' in my running log I entered 7:03 because I feel that was my time. It's just crazy how the Garmin gets you thinking so much. I just need to relax and work on form and my feel for the mile instead of the Garmin. Now this track is dirt and parts of lane 1 are full of weeds so I probably did run over a mile. The next one was 7:04 and the last 7:03. In the end I was super happy. 3 weeks ago my times were 7:06, 7:13 and 7:07. The same exact workout, track etc. so according to plain old school timing I am getting faster and that is all that matters YEAH!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Yes to the COMBO!

3 weeks until the Denver Rock n Roll Half! This week was a hard week and to top it off Tuesday after track my right hip started to hurt!!

I ran easy Thursday and had a 5k on Saturday.This is what I would call a "Fun Run". It was a fundraiser for a local gymnastic gym so there were maybe 50 total people and about half were kids! I was 2nd place and 1st female! That part was cool, but we didn't have bibs, we didn't have it timed except off a lady's phone. So it was interesting! I ran a 22:57. Then Sunday I ran 14 miles at a 9:07 pace so I was so pleased that my body could go back to back like that. I bought new shoes Friday so my injuries are doing much better!

After the 14 mile run my husband and I took the motorcycle to downtown Denver and watched the Bronco game while eating 50 cent wings, $2 PBR's and an order of Fried Twinkies LOL!!!!

A busy week ahead but I know I can do this!
Tues:  3 X 1600
Wed: bike/lift
Thurs: 6 mile pace
Fri: OFF
Sat:  6EZ
Sun: 10

The Arvada Running Club. Half marathoners ran 14 and marathoners ran 20!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I went to the DARK SIDE....

Last night we had 6 X 800 on the track. I was excited and nervous. I had a great 12 mile run Sunday but then Monday my body was shot!! I felt ok on the warm-up. My first 800 was 3:30 which was great! I wanted to stay consistent and have all of them at 3:30. I was a bit tired and knew the next 5 would be tough and it was humid out. I went to my bag and headphones!!!! I have NEVER done a track workout with music but I just needed that extra something to get me through 5 more 800's. Guess what? It worked!!
My splits were 3:30, 3:25, 3:19,3:16, 3:20 and 3:17. Again after the workout I could barely walk to my car but I was very happy with this workout!

The track...although now there is football practice so all the parents watch us run kinda funny!

Monday, September 12, 2011

4 week Count Down!

Last week was my down week dealing with all my weirdo injuries. I  biked Wednesday and lifted, ran Thursday, felt good, and ran 12 miles Sunday and felt good! I am hurting today a little but I am confident to run the half. This week will be a hard week as I have a 5k Sat and a 14 mile run Sunday. If I can do this that will really help my confidence! My old coach is in town and she gave me some stretches and they really helped! She said do them 12 X a day and my PF will go away!! YEAH!! She also said I am way too young (I am 35) to stop running marathons again YEAH!!! So my plan is to run a FULL marathon in the fall of 2012 or 2013 depending on baby making ;)

This week's plan:

Monday: OFF
Tuesday 6 X 800
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: easy run/lift
Friday: OFF
Saturday: 5k
Sunday: 14

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Adventure

David and I love having adventures. In the fall, since we can't hike as much, we take day trips. Yesterday we drove up to an old train pass called Rollins Pass. It was gorgeous and lots of history! Can't wait for the leaves to start turning.

I saw runners at the Trail Head might be a cool running trail to try next time :)

Once the Moffet Tunnel was built they didn't use Rollins Pass anymore. It was too dangerous.

View from the beginning of Rollins Pass (12 miles to top).

The tunnel that is now closed....About a 2 mile hike from where you can't drive anymore.

What is left of the tracks.

It was a gorgeous day!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Craft Time and Running injury??

Hope Everyone is having a fun Labor Day weekend!

I am  5 weeks out from my half marathon and still struggling with PF, something on the top of my foot that is not a stress fracture (according to x-ray) and now today on my 12 mile run cut down to 8 a hamstring issue?? What's up? Is my body telling me something? I am going to take a few days off and see. I did get some inserts, which I have never used and hope they help with pain....I am determined to run this half!!!

Time for craft time! I saw this on pinterst.
It's from a Women's Day article.

By Woman's Day Staff Posted October 20, 2010 from Woman's Day; November 1, 2010

So I thought why not? I have a few empty wine bottles!

So I cut out 2 triangles and a mouth with painters tape and put it on the wine bottle then primed it. I also paint taped the top of the wine bottle. Then I painted it orange.

Ta Da!! How cute and easy is that!!! We usually have a mini Halloween party so I will maybe make a few more!